Pre-Fall '66 PID motifs and other predictive elements in The Beatles early work.
The PID rumor went viral in Oct. 1969, and the PID clues are commonly thought to go as far back as 1967, but allusions to the PID motif can be seen much further back.
Here is the first attempt at starting the PID movement. From the February 1967 issue of Beatles Monthly Magazine. the article titled False Rumor states that there was a rumor going around that Paul had died in his car on the M1 motorway. ("Faul's Rumor?")

Notice the article about the moped,
the ad for the Beatles Book written by Bill Shepherd,
and also notice the article about the moustaches. All four of the prominent, major elements of the enigma all on one page.
"It was a fake moustache."

From the same magazine, we see George shaving in the mirror, yet it seems only his reflection has a moustache.

"It was a fake moustache."
in A Hard Day's Night George shaves the equipment manager's reflection.

And in the beginning of the film, Paul is set apart from the other three and is wearing a fake moustache and goatee.

When Paul's Grandpa tries to start trouble in the tv studio, the director says this, while the camera cuts to Paul as he frowns and shakes his head.

"I'm quite happy to be replaced." Immediately afterwards, Grandpa accidentally kills a magician's dove. The magician then crosses out the "10" on his sign and writes a "9".

The very next scene after this line is when they rehearse I'm Happy Just to Dance with You. Which contains the line, "If somebody tries to take my place, let's pretend we just can't see his face."
The next scene is when Ringo & Grandpa are in the diner.
The book Ringo is reading is

The 1959 film adaptation of Anatomy of a Murder starrs James Stewart as Paul Biegler. His best friend in the film is named Parnell McCarthy
The artwork for the book cover was done by Saul Bass.
In the Bible, Saul becomes Paul.
bass guitar

And when Ringo tells Grandpa that you can learn a lot from books, he replies, "Ahh, sheeps' heads."
implying sheep, shepherd, shears. And beheading.

He could've said anything there...
Then this is the very next scene.

George Shearing - (shears)

John with submarine, exclaiming, "Help!" Help me!"

A wooden Ram on the piano above Paul.

(and remember, Paul used the alias Ramon, when registering for motels in the early-60s).

Notice the men in the Sgt. Pepper-like suits with them in the dressing room. Many of the shots in this scene were done in the mirror. And early clue to use a mirror on the Sgt. Pepprer drum?

the Ringo statue wears a mock-turtleneck on the Sgt. Pepper cover. And also on the Beatles VI album.

In 1985 he played the Mock Turtle in a tv adaptation of Alice in Wonderland.

When Paul is asked if his grandfather can talk, Paul replies, "Of course he can talk, he's a human being isn't he?"
Ringo then says, "Well if he's your grandfather who knows, hahaha."

On the album cover, George is turned backwards in the middle frame. Doesn't Paul turned backwards on the back of the Sgt. Pepper album mean he's dead?

Apparently McCartney did have photos taken of him turned around for the Hard Day's Night photo shoot.

And here's another shot of McCartney doing that eye thing.

"And then while I'm away"
"You say you will love me if I have to go"
"One day you'll look to see I've gone. And now the time has come, and so my love I must go"
"I lost someone who's near to me, I'm a loser, and I'm not what I appear to be"
"...I looked up to see your face. I nearly died! 'Cause you walked hand-in-hand with another man in my place."
Going back to their previous album Beatles For Sale, in the inner gatefold, which is very reminiscent of the Sgt. Pepper cover, we see the lads in front of a mural at Twickenham Studios.
Not only is Paul holding a cigarette in his right hand, a la Abbey Road, but next to his head is an image of Jayne Mansfield from the film It Takes a Thief. In Which she plays a car thief named Billie. In 1967 Jayne died in a car wreck and was scalped, thus losing her hair. (was Don't Pass Me By about her?)

Donald Pleasence is in the upper-left corner of the mural. He played the leader of a coven in Sharon Tate's first film, Eye of the Devil, in which a coven requires a human sacrifice every generation.
Interesting, considering that Aleister Crowley is in the upper-left corner of the Sgt. Pepper crowd.

Pleasence also played the shady record producer in the Bee Gee's Sgt. Pepper film.
And another album photo with Paul holding a cigarette in his right hand.

Just one of their many photo shoots with guns.

In his 1964 interview with Robert Frost, Paul is asked what he wants to do after The Beatles achieve success and answers, "retire" then flips the bird. He is then asked when and replies, "In a couple of years." Was he subliminally setting a trigger?

in April of 1964, The Beatles performed a skit from Shakespeare's Midsummer's Night dream on British tv. In it, Paul plays Pyramus and kills himself.
Here he exclaims, "Thus I die!"

He then lies on the ground and says,
"Now am I dead, now am I fled. Ah well, ya can't win 'em all."

He then repeatedly stabs himself in the heart while shouting, "Now die, die, die, die!" over and over.

John, who was playing the role of Thisbe, has his left-front tooth blackened out. The same tooth Paul chipped the following year.

When Thisbe finds Pyramus dead, she then proceeds to stab herself in the heart and join him in death.

A few years later, McCartney later adopted a cat and named it Thisbe.
The skit The Beatles performed from A Midsummer’s Night Dream, was a part in the play where traveling actors perform the skit of Pyramus and Thisbe.
In the play Rosencrants and Guildenstern Are Dead, which is a spin-off of Shakespeare’s Hamlet, there is a traveling troupe of actors that perform skits.
In Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead (premiered Aug ’66), the audience is not quite sure which one is Rosencrantz and which one is Guildenstern, neither are the other characters in the play, and it seems even Rosencrantz and Guildenstern may not be sure.
These two characters must try to figure out what has happened to their friend Prince Hamlet, who "has changed, inside and out." And they find he is to be beheaded.
The majority of the dialogue in the play revolves around death and dying.
many actors named John and Paul have been cast in productions of Rosencrantz and Guilderstern Are Dead
in Alice in Wonderland, it is Tweedledee and Tweedledum that tell Alice the story of The Walrus and the Carpenter.

Tweedledee and Tweedledum are two distinct people, but essentially one entity in many ways.
Sort of like Rosencrantz and Guildenstern.
The mixed and congealed identities brings to mind Beatles lyrics such as "I am the walrus" - "The walrus was Paul", "I am he as you are me..." and "The walrus and me, man. We're as close as can be man."
Lennon and McCartney both resonating as the death figures of the Beatles.
In the 1969 film, The Magic Christian, starring Peter Sellers and Ringo Starr, the first thing the two of them do is go see a performance of the play Hamlet.
Their companion mentions it is at the part with Rosencrantz and Guilderstern.
When they sit down to watch the play, Ringo says, "I've seen this. Shakespeare, right?"
Sellers replies, "Right and double right!"
At the end of a scene they watch, a sign comes down that reads "Zap".

In AHDN, when Paul quotes from Hamlet, "Oh that this too, too solid flesh would melt", he turns to the camera and exclaims, "Zap!"
Notice he's holding a fake nose.

Notice the guy in Sgt. Pepper-like suit behind him.
To further directly connect it with The Beatles, in one of the next scenes they board a train almost exactly like the one used in AHDN. In the room they sit in, an Asian man gets switched out 3 times, and the newspaper-reading gentleman is only happy when he sees what he perceives as the original again.
Which can be seen towards the end of this clip. (also notice the blond actor seen in AHDN & Help! at the beginning of this clip).

Also notice Peter Sellers dons a fake goatee, like McCartney does in the beginning of AHDN, and glasses like Lennon does in Help!
There's also a scene where Sellers bribes a rowing team to throw a race. The rowing boat later tips over, as does the one Ringo sees in AHDN.
Tanks and a marching band. Both used in Help!

There's also actors playing John & Yoko in the film.
They are one board the ship, named The Magic Christian, which is headed from London to New York. (Lennon & Yoko later moved to NY).

The Magic Christian was written by Terry Southern, who appears on the Sgt. Pepper cover.
He also wrote Candy, which Ringo starred in. And he co-wrote Dr. Strangelove with Kubrick, which Peter Sellers starred in, playing 3 roles.
The Magic Christian premiered in the US on Feb 11th, 1970.
That is the anniversary of Ringo's marriage to Maureen.
It is also the day The Beatles recorded the bulk of their first album, Please Please Me.
2/11. 11 = K. K2, the mountain Crowley climbed.
Peter Sellers recorded and released a 45 of him doing a rendition of A Hard Day's Night.
He also performed it on the British tv special "The Music of Lennon & McCartney"

Further linking him with the multiples scene in The Magic Christian and The Beatles.
In their second film, Help! The Cult of Kaili chases Ringo and the lads, intending to sacrifice Ringo as he wears their sacrificial ring.

Ironically, it is not Ringo that the worst things happen to. It is Paul & John who disguise themselves as Ringo and are knocked out by their captors.
In another scene, a shrinking serum, intended for Ringo, is injected into Paul. When he is shrunk, everyone thinks Ringo accidentally stepped on him and killed him.

Paul shrunk? Alice in Wonderland much?
In the Another Girl segment, Paul is shot execution-style, by Ringo...
He is the only one this is done to.
There is a scene of them in disguises. The ironic thing is how similar they look here to their later selves.

Lennon finds the round glasses in his soup.

John's sunken bed. A grave metaphor?

early Abbey Road motifs?

Help! Brought to you by EastmanColor
"For I have got another girl."

Yesterday, The Night Before, "But as of today, well I've got somebody that's new." Paul's songs on Help contain the premise of yesterday vs. today, the changing of the guard, that was then, this is now.
He also says, "I've just seen a face" and asks, "Tell me what you see?"
And what was the B-side to the Help! single? I'm Down.
in Help! John sings about how his life has changed in oh so many ways.
in Yes It Is, Lennon hints at the death of a former lover.
AHDN & Help! are the ultimate 2-part prelude to the PID paradigm.
Some could claim precognition with this stuff. But here is where we get into the Saturday Morning cartoons by Al Brodax, that the Beatles themselves had nothing to do with. And remember they were produced in 1965 and aired in late-65 through 1966.
in the Eight Days a Week episode, a fan grabs Paul while driving. He loses control of the vehicle and the drive off a pier, while being shot at by a man with a gun. An extremely similar yellow car was used in the Yellow Submarine film, which also contains several death clues, and again, the Beatles had nothing to do with the production.

Paul with a poster behind him that read "Beetle Killer"

in the A Hard Day's Night, we see a graveyard with tombstones that read R.I.P. and MAC.

in the No Reply episode, a master of disguise named Anyface assumes the identity of Paul and tries to take his place in the band. Even the world's greatest fan can't tell which is which.

Multiple Ringos in the Tell Me What You See episode.

In the I Feel Fine episode, they're Hollywood and Paul of all people goes around exposing everything as "fake" and "phony".

Paul's "white on white" painting, bringing to mind The White Album.

The 1965 album Rubber Soul begins with Baby You Can Drive My Car, then continues with other songs such as This Bird Has Flown, You Won't See Me, Nowhere Man, I'm Looking Through You ("you have changed"), and Run For Your Life.
Girl contains the lyrics, "Will she still believe it when he's dead?"
Is the name Rubber Soul simply a play on words in reference to a style of music, or does it allude to death & rebirth?
During their 1965 Ed Sullivan appeaerance, after Paul sings Yesterday, Lennon says, "Thank you Paul, that was just like him."
From a 1966 magazine. Paul of all people saying,
"If one of us dropped out... the group would break up."

In 1966 the Yesterday and Today album is released. Not only do we have gruesome imagery, but allusions to Osiris being chopped into 14 pieces. Also alluding to the 'yesterday' of Beatlemania, and the 'today' of the new changing Beatles.
Baby Cherub heads are used on tombstones. Notice baby doll head on Paul's lap and held beside his head.

The album was quickly replaced with a new image. Alluding to Osiris being put into a box.
Notice they used a flipped image on the cover. Paul's hair was parted on his right that day - another thing that started occurring more often in 1967.

From the Rosecrucian/Alchemical text Atalanta Fugiens, Michael Maier, 1617. Notice dismembered man in back, man in box in front.

One of the recurring themes of the Revolver album is death, even 'Tomorrow Never Knows' was inspired by Leary's The Psychedelic experience, which was based on The Tibetan Book of the Dead, which prepares the reader for death.
Leary states that the art of dying is just as important as the art of living.
"My advice to those who die"
"Wiping the dirt from his hands as he walks from the grave"
"Wearing a face that she keeps in a jar by the door"
"I know what it's like to be dead"
"She says that long ago she knew someone, but now he's gone, she doesn't need him"
The original title for 'For No One' was 'Why Did It Die?'

"My advice to those who die."
"Wiping the dirt from his hands as he walks from the grave."
"Wearing the face that she keeps in a jar that she keeps by the door."
"I know what it's like to be dead."
"She says that long ago she knew someone but now he's gone, she doesn't need him."
'Tomorrow Never Knows' was recorded on April 6th & 7th of 1966. The next day, April 8th, Time published their infamous "Is God dead?" issue.
April 8th, 1904, is the day Aleister Crowley began receiving dictation for The Book of the Law. The law of the new Aeon in which, according to Crowley, man no longer needs a shepherding God, as this is the Aeon in which man can master his own Will.
April 8th is also Julian Lennon's birthday.

Only four months later, Datebook published their issue which included Lennon's "more popular than Jesus" statement and his other criticisms on Christianity. We also see Leary's "Turn on, tune in, drop out" slogan here.

Aleister Crowley once said, "Cross the Abyss with a leap of laughter." Interesting how in 'Tomorrow Never Knows' there is a sped-up sample of Paul laughing, it is used a few times, one being after Lennon sings, "surrender to the void."
Are the songs 'Got To Get You Into My Life' and 'Tomorrow Never Knows' about approaching the Abyss? And the following albums are post-Abyss?
Especially considering that one of the working titles for Revolver was Abracadabra.
The word Abracadabra is written across the canopy of The Chariot in Crowley's Chariot Tarot card. And he claims it is the word of the New Aeon.
The Chariot is what the Adept uses to cross the Abyss with.

From the Revolver cover.
Lennon in suit of armor, and wearing beard from "...I'll murder you" scene from AHDN

Lennon was shot with a revolver.
The PID motif runs through the entire career of the Beatles.
1963-1966 being the prologue, and 1967 to present being the more earnest enactment.
Before 1967 it's more overt (hidden in plain sight), but the physical discrepancies are harder to spot.
After 1967 the discrepancies are easier to spot, but the death-clue motif went more subliminal, albeit more frequent and prominent.
The Beatlemania-era films and albums are the ultimate prologue to the PID paradigm.

As the last line of the last song on Revovler states, "It's the end of the beginning."
In the film How I Won the War, when Lennon's character is killed, he looks into the camera and says, "I knew this would happen. You knew it would happen, didn't you?"
Earlier in the film, another character predicts his own death, while cutting into one of Lennon's lines.

The German poster for How I Won the War has Lennon in the bullseye, and more beheading imagery.

The first song the Quarrymen recorded was a Buddy Holly song called 'That'll Be the Day', the chorus ends with the line "That'll be the day that I die."
The other song they recorded was on of Paul's titled 'In Spite of All the Danger'.

Lennon died on 12/8, which is the Catholic Day of "The Feast of the Immaculate Conception'.
Almost exactly nine months later is 9/11.
On 9/11/81 the film The Haunting of Julia (aka Full Circle) was released. Mia Farrow plays Julia. Remember she played the mother in Rosemary's Baby. Lennon's mother was named Julia, she died the day after The Quarrymen finished their first said recording.
Eleanor Bron, the lead actress in Help! plays Mary the mother of Jesus in The Day Christ Died, which came out in... 1980!

Rubber Soul isn't their only album cover with death & rebirth imagery.
They are not using semaphore to spell H-E-L-P.
This particular sequence is used in many ceremonies. But with the last being the X, which they replace with the 'As Above, So Below' Sign.
(George, John & Ringo's images were printed flipped on the cover).

Thelemic ritual Magick.
The following sets of signs were assigned by Aleister Crowley to the various Grades of his order, the A.'.A.'. The first sets (the Neophyte, elemental grade signs and L.V.X. signs) were derived from the grade signs of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. Such signs often have multiple uses and meanings, depending on the context.
Step Three: The Death-Rebirth Cycle
These three letters also are Kabbalistically and visually/formally linked to the principle dynamic structure of all Western Mysticism, that of the Death-Rebirth Cycle. According to The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn:
L == Isis Mourning (Osiris slain by Set)
V == Apophis Triumphant (the Rule of Death)
X == Osiris Risen (dead-yet-alive, to rule in the new order)
(Opening of the Portal of the Vault of the Adepts)
Notice here that George is now making the Osiris Risen (X) sign. Appropriatley, being he was in the Osiris Slain pose on the Help! cover.
The Hermetic Rose Cross is the lamen of the Adeptus Minor initiates of the Golden Dawn, and on it the tLVX sequence can also be found.
Radiating from behind the Hermetic Rose Cross are twelve barbed rose leaves - four large leaves each flanked by two smaller leaves.
The four smaller leave to the left contain the letters LVX and a Calvary Cross.

The four large leaves contain the letters INRO.
Placed on the small leaves to right of the large leaves are the letters IAO and another I.
Now, while INRO is associated with both Alchemy and the crucifixion of Christ,
what is interesting is that INRI translated into Hebrew is Yod, Nun, Resh, Yod.

The astrological meanings of those letters equate to Virgo(Yod), Scorpio(Nun), Sol(Resh). As in, Isis (Virgo) mourning because an evil relative Apophis (Scorpio) has killed her husband, Osiris (Sol). Isis eventually raises Osiris from the dead.
Which is how IAOI comes into play. I for Isis, A for Apophis, O for Osiris, and I for Isis resurrecting her husband.
In the sign of the Mourning Isis, Isis holds her arms, suggestive of the letter L.
In the sign of Apophis and Typhon, Apophis thrusts his arms above his head at a 90 degree angle, suggestive of the letter V.
In the sign of Osiris Slain, he holds his arms out to his sides as if he were crucified.
In the sign of Osiris Risen, he crosses his arms over his chest, forming an X on his body.
Taken together, these are the signs of LVX, the Latin word for Light. LVX The Light of the Cross.
“When the haze of nothingness disappears, we are presented with the image of a white cube (White Album?) that contains within itself the potential of all creation. After unfolding from cube form, The Golden Cross comes into existence.”
The yellow sub (solar barque) becomes the Golden Cross.
The Golden Cross + The Ruby Rose of Hermetic Rosecrucianism.

And it is the Golden Cross that then folds into a cube from which multiple Beatles spring.

Notice John is in the same pose and George is in the Osiris Risen pose.
Interesting that in the AHDN film, George & Paul basically form their same poses as seen on the Help! record, during the 'Can't Buy Me Love' segment.

John & Ringo not quite the same, but very similar. In fact, is John forming the L pose?

It is also interesting that in the song Help!, John says, "And now I find I've changed my mind, I've opened up the doors."

"Changed my mind" could mean "I’ve altered my state of consciousness", becoming enlightened. Which would then make sense of the next line, "I’ve opened up the doors". Perhaps a reference to Huxley’s book The Doors of Perception, published in 1954.
Taken from William Blake: "If the doors of perception were cleansed everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. For man has closed himself up, till he sees all things thro' narrow chinks of his cavern.”
In the Pyramus & Thisbe skit, there is a large part of the play that is about looking through a chink in the wall.
The ears on the Doors of Perception cover remind me of these.

Here's an informative post on how Terry Knight was responsible for seeding the PID movement in Detroit in 1969 - by Beacon.

And here's one by Dr. Tomoculus about the triggers used in Beatles Monthly Magazine titled "Minis, Moustaches and Mopeds."

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