PIDers claim "Faul is taller than Paul" by comparing their heights to his elderly father Jim McCartney.
Here are all the Beatlemania-era shots I could find of Paul & Jim together standing. I would estimate that the top of Jim's head comes up to slightly past Paul's eyebrows/lower forehead region.
From the Vintage August 1964 issue of Teen Life magazine, we see the image of Paul & his father, notice the height ratio between the two men in these images.
Here is the one shot of Paul & Jim that PIDers use, this is also a vintage scan found at

As it is, Jim comes up to about Paul's hairline. If Paul were to stand out side-by-side with Jim, the top of Jim's head would be lower on Paul's forehead. Much more like in the previous photos. Also note where Jim's shoulder comes to on Paul's chest

(^Also it seems the photographer is crouching down, which could be playing a factor).
Here in the late-60s, we see a Paul & Jim that are basically at the same height ratio range as before. With Jim somewhere between Paul's eyebrows and hairline.
^Now here in 1972 we see that Jim seems to come up to about Paul's eyebrows.
This is the one shot of 'Faul' & Jim that PIDers use. In using it, they claim 'Faul' is 2-4 inches taller than Paul.

However, for one, this 'Faul' is only about one inch taller than the shortest Paul/Jim comparison we have seen so far. Second, Jim was age 70 here and can only be expected to have shrunk somewhat. To only shrink that much at that age only helps prove that 'Faul' was not any taller than 'Paul'.
Third, we don't know what kinds of shoes were being worn in some of these photos etc. (Or how many Jims there might have been).
Notice though, that Jim's shoulders come up to the usual spot on Paul. (This could also be a tall-headed P/Faul).

Here is one other photo that some PIDers also use. They use it to not only show how much taller 'Faul' is in comparison to Jim, but also in comparison to Jane.

However, staying true to PID form, they do not include this photo. Where we can see that Jane is not only wearing non-heels, but that she is standing in a downward slope.
which brings me to my next point...
Here are the two classic examples PIDers use to claim that “Faul is so much taller than Paul” by comparing their heights to Jane.
The classic graveyard photo from Mike’s wedding, where they say, “See, Faul’s nose is over Jane’s head.” (which it isn’t).

Again, they are on uneven ground, and in mid-stride. Paul’s left leg is straight up putting him at full height. Jane is bent at the knees, hip, lower back and neck. Of all the 40+ photos of Paul with Jane I’ve found, this is by far the worst one to try to use for a height comparison. A jury would laugh this out of the courtroom.
And here is their other favorite comparison. On the left is from the Alfie premeire in March 1966 (Paul with chipped tooth), and the date on the left is probably sometime in 1967.

First, they are again in mid-stride on the right. Second, I will show that their height ratios aren’t any different.
I want to go back to Mike’s wedding first. In the first post we saw that there wasn’t a taller Paul at the wedding. An uncropped photo shows that Jane was standing on a steep downslope, etc.
Here are 8 more photos from that day. Photos that PIDers don’t bother including in their presentations. PIDers love to only use one photo from each era.

As we can see, Jane’s shoulder comes to somewhere around Paul’s armpit, and the top of her head comes up to just over Paul’s eyebrows usually around the middle of his forehead. This is the case in all occasions since they started dating, as we will see in this presentation.
Now back to the Alfie premeire.

It would be interesting to see if Jane is wearing heels at the Alfie premiere, most likely. As we saw at Mike’s wedding, she was not!
Either way, see how Jane’s shoulder is right around Paul’s armpit, and the top of her head is just over or near his eyebrows. The bottom-right photo is from a vintage magazine. Paul is bending down in it, but as you can see from the array of photos, his height is little to no different than that seen at Mike’s wedding. At most there may be a quarter-inch difference, taking into account Jane could be wearing heels.
Say what one will about the facial features, between Alfie Paul and Mike's Wedding Paul - and any other Paul - But careful analysis will show all of those factors remain consistent within a 95-98% range when comparing any two P/Fauls picked at random. Considering all the various factors.
Here’s some other vintage scans of Paul with Jane. They aren’t great for height comparisons, but see what you see.
Here they are on their India trip

without heels on their sandals.
Granted, the ground isn’t completely level, but even so, if ‘Faul’ is supposed to be “so much taller than Paul”, would their height ratios be that close? He should still be towering over her.
Notice his height with John is consistent with their ’64-’80 ratios, as well. Compensating for John being in a ditch. (Before 1964, they fluctuated greatly. Another thing PIDers never mention, (or notice?))
More from post-66. The top-right is from the same night as the photo used In the PID comparison at the top of this post. Notice Jane’s head goes up to the middle of Paul’s forehead.

More from pre-67. Not ideal for heights, but you should get a general sense, if unbiased.

For posteriry, I’ll include this photo. Some might ask, isn’t Paul taller here? As it is, Jane’s head is level with Paul’s eyebrows. If he were to stand up straight she might come up to about his eyes. Also seems like his heels are taller than hers here.

But in it’s defense, I will include this photo. Again, not ideal, but the heights seem the same as in the photo just above. If there was a taller-than-most Paul, or shorter-than-most Jane, they were around in 1964, too.

The classic graveyard photo from Mike’s wedding, where they say, “See, Faul’s nose is over Jane’s head.” (which it isn’t).
Again, they are on uneven ground, and in mid-stride. Paul’s left leg is straight up putting him at full height. Jane is bent at the knees, hip, lower back and neck. Of all the 40+ photos of Paul with Jane I’ve found, this is by far the worst one to try to use for a height comparison. A jury would laugh this out of the courtroom.
And here is their other favorite comparison. On the left is from the Alfie premeire in March 1966 (Paul with chipped tooth), and the date on the left is probably sometime in 1967.
First, they are again in mid-stride on the right. Second, I will show that their height ratios aren’t any different.
I want to go back to Mike’s wedding first. In the first post we saw that there wasn’t a taller Paul at the wedding. An uncropped photo shows that Jane was standing on a steep downslope, etc.
Here are 8 more photos from that day. Photos that PIDers don’t bother including in their presentations. PIDers love to only use one photo from each era.
As we can see, Jane’s shoulder comes to somewhere around Paul’s armpit, and the top of her head comes up to just over Paul’s eyebrows usually around the middle of his forehead. This is the case in all occasions since they started dating, as we will see in this presentation.
Now back to the Alfie premeire.

It would be interesting to see if Jane is wearing heels at the Alfie premiere, most likely. As we saw at Mike’s wedding, she was not!
Either way, see how Jane’s shoulder is right around Paul’s armpit, and the top of her head is just over or near his eyebrows. The bottom-right photo is from a vintage magazine. Paul is bending down in it, but as you can see from the array of photos, his height is little to no different than that seen at Mike’s wedding. At most there may be a quarter-inch difference, taking into account Jane could be wearing heels.
Say what one will about the facial features, between Alfie Paul and Mike's Wedding Paul - and any other Paul - But careful analysis will show all of those factors remain consistent within a 95-98% range when comparing any two P/Fauls picked at random. Considering all the various factors.
Here’s some other vintage scans of Paul with Jane. They aren’t great for height comparisons, but see what you see.
Here they are on their India trip
without heels on their sandals.
Granted, the ground isn’t completely level, but even so, if ‘Faul’ is supposed to be “so much taller than Paul”, would their height ratios be that close? He should still be towering over her.
Notice his height with John is consistent with their ’64-’80 ratios, as well. Compensating for John being in a ditch. (Before 1964, they fluctuated greatly. Another thing PIDers never mention, (or notice?))
More from post-66. The top-right is from the same night as the photo used In the PID comparison at the top of this post. Notice Jane’s head goes up to the middle of Paul’s forehead.
More from pre-67. Not ideal for heights, but you should get a general sense, if unbiased.
For posteriry, I’ll include this photo. Some might ask, isn’t Paul taller here? As it is, Jane’s head is level with Paul’s eyebrows. If he were to stand up straight she might come up to about his eyes. Also seems like his heels are taller than hers here.
But in it’s defense, I will include this photo. Again, not ideal, but the heights seem the same as in the photo just above. If there was a taller-than-most Paul, or shorter-than-most Jane, they were around in 1964, too.
Now, notice in this photo, taken by a fan, we see Paul & Jane at their usual height ratio.
Hopefully it can be seen and determined here that the height ratios between Paul(s) and Jane(s) never fluctuated to a noticeable degree. Just as Paul(s) and his father(s). It is important to take into account things like heels, ground surface, body bending, positioning, etc. Essentially, if one insists on only using one photo for your presentation, make it one where they are side by side, straight up, on level ground, where we can see their feet. Or use as many photos as you can find.
Which leads me to another point. If PIDers are so sure Paul was replaced, who is to say Jane and his dad weren’t replaced, too? With what degree of certainty are they making their Paul/Jane vs. Faul/Jane comparisons? They always talk about how Jane was in on the switch and didn’t like ‘Faul’. How do they know it wasn’t ‘Fane’? But I digress.
The point here is only to illustrate that the height ratios of Paul & Jane didn’t suddenly change after 1966.
Sterling work, Linus. But again, as an example of something I criticised earlier, when you post the 'vintage scan' of a paper with a pic of Paul and his dad, you add the comment 'Note the height difference' despite the fact that immediately preceding this pic, you've used a pic of Paul and his dad, which is transparently from the same sequence as the 'paper's shot, to show NO height difference.
Great work, bewildering commentary (on occasion)
Also a sterling example of how you can take two photos one straight after the other and use them to 'prove' opposing theorems.
In PID circles, it's as if no-one ever heard a refutation of the dictum 'The camera never lies' while also proposing that all photos of The Beatles have been manipulated retrospectively by those aliens in the Illuminati Lizard mothership.
Frankly, it's sometimes enough to make me run into a room and start frothing over something as if it's food while barking erratically
Thanks. I've never been accused of being good with words.
By "height difference", I meant the difference between Paul and Jim in general. So, what I should've said was, "notice the height ratio between the two men in all these images".
I will edit the post accordingly.
This is one of the reasons why I, unlike PIDers, encourage questions, comments and critiques.
I'll get to your other comments when I have time.
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